
Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.

Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.

Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.

Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.

Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,


Our Societal Vision

Our societal Vision is to provide Teso communities with well-managed, stable and effective socialization programs and community institutions to meet the regions long-term needs for an increased standard of living and adequate levels of education and income for the people. To provide clear and efficient leadership practices, sustainable food production and intellectual capital development (support to OVC education and skilling young people) to generate long-term progress and growth in the region.

Objectives, Mission & Vision

  1. To carry out children’s (Orphans) projects that promote peace, child protection, welfare, income generation and skills development for better livelihoods.
  2. To build the capacity (skills) of communities children, orphans, rural women, youth & farmers to promote peace.
  3. To improve the welfare of disadvantaged youth, children, women and rural farming communities, with agricultural, educational, health and sanitation programmes.
  4. To respond to natural and man-made disasters through peace building, relief and rehabilitation projects.
  5. To partner with other development stakeholders to enhance our objectives.

Teso Youth Agricultural Production Initiative for Peace’s Mission is to work with communities to build peace to end hunger and poverty and care for the environmentWe will help households, institutions and groups to increase their effectiveness as citizens through our strategic trainings, direct support, advisory & consultancy support, better agricultural techniques, health services and long term production improvement techniques.

We have a vision to create a peaceful community in which people attain the right to survival, protection, development, and participation. To develop effective management strategies and skills, tools and protocols to ensure economic growth facilitated through increased educational opportunities, sustainability of programmes and providing the most relevant and needed services and development awareness at times of need.

SDGs Areas of Focus

Our Major Activities


Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) school sponsorship project activities in Gweri Sub county supporting orphans with fees, uniforms and scholastic materials. This project is still on an initial stage and so far supports 20 pupils in three schools.


A passion fruit youth for peace agricultural project supporting youth to plant passion fruits seedlings to raise incomes, this project has established 4 demonstration sites for further multiplication of passion fruit seedlings in Gweri Sub county.

Planned Activities/Projects for Period 2022-2024

Food Security

Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.


Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.


Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.


Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.


Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,

Image Achieve


Your generosity helps TEYAPI4Peace provide scholarships and virtual programs to a new generation of  leaders. Learn how you can support our work today!


Soroti City East, Moruapesur, Orwadai Village, Edonyu Road, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Uganda

P.O Box  475 Soroti -Uganda

Tel: +256780653779



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