Food security and Livelihoods Support; promoting agricultural production and marketing.
Education and Skills development; Skilling youth and supporting OVCs scholarships.
Health and Sanitation; drilling bore holes, protecting spring wells and health services.
Institutional Development promoting infrastructural development and IGAs.
Women empowerment; promoting women rights and increasing women employment,
The OVC Education Challenge
According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world!” Education is a stairway to the growth and development of humankind, because it shapes society into a better world. However, for Uganda and Teso region, education still remains the biggest challenge for the largest number of children mostly Orphaned and Vulnerable Children in the rural communities. These children are greatly affected by poverty, leaving most of them dropping out of school and ending up in child marriages due to lack of access to scholastic materials, school uniforms, food and sanitary towels (pads).
There is therefore, a great need for resources to support OVCs access education for them to have a bright future. When children are educated, they become socially, mentally, morally and spiritually sound. Education is the sustainable way forward to end the scourging effect of poverty in our communities and in the nation as a whole. “Man can only become man by education” –Immanuel Kant and “Learning is a treasure that accompanies its owner everywhere”- Chinese Proverb
To support the education of disadvantaged orphaned and vulnerable children in communities of Teso sub region.
- Effective agricultural programs in place.
- Livelihoods opportunities for disadvantaged farmers enhanced.
- Peace building promoted
- 10 districts supported
- 150 schools supported
- 5,250 pupils receive support
- Education opportunities enhanced
- Scholarships opportunities improved
- OVCs education improved

Your generosity helps TEYAPI4Peace provide scholarships and virtual programs to a new generation of leaders. Learn how you can support our work today!
Soroti City East, Moruapesur, Orwadai Village, Edonyu Road, Opposite Orwadai Stars Primary School. Uganda
P.O Box 475 Soroti -Uganda
Tel: +256 (0) 0780653779
Email: secwinyu@teyapi4peace.org